CLT Application for Construction
CLT is a versatile, contemporary, sustainable construction material. It can be used to make any structure where a system of wall, floor or ceiling panels are needed. The panels would almost always be delivered to site with all machining complete, including service holes, door and window openings for example.
CLT has been used to build some of the tallest timber structures in the world. Mjøstårnet in Norway is an 85.4-metre-high tower and was built using CLT. It took the title of world’s tallest timber building from the 53-metre-high Brock Commons Tallwood House in Vancouver.
The main benefits of CLT over other traditional construction materials is that it has huge savings in carbon. It is very fast to install, needing no internal finishing once in place, and aesthetically it looks naturally good.
It’s possible to make some interesting folded plate type roofs with CLT, and with the right finish spec and detailing, CLT construction can be used for homes or extensions – it doesn’t have to be large projects.
If you’re considering CLT for a project and need some technical advice, contact Keith by email or by telephone on 01363 891 363.